This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

AccessPharmacy Arrives

Just in time for the new academic year, HSLS has initiated a subscription to AccessPharmacy. This online resource offers features for students and faculty incorporating pharmacy e-textbooks, drug monographs, and curriculum support. Faculty can find textbook chapters, cases, multimedia, and quizzes with interactive learning modules; while students can prepare for licensing board exams, read texts, prep with flashcards, or access assignments and resources all in one site.

Clinicians can locate calculators, quick answers, patient education handouts, and evidence-based pharmacy topics from featured studies. Patient education handouts are written for either acute, adult, pediatric, or drug topics. Drug topics are available in English and Spanish, while disease topics can be found in up to ten languages.

To use AccessPharmacy, type AccessPharmacy in the search.HSLS box on the HSLS home page or browse the Databases A-Z list.

AccessPharmacy joins our subscriptions to AccessMedicine and AccessSurgery, with remote access on any device once a personalized account is registered. Sign up for a MyAccess account from a Pitt or UPMC networked computer, and you’ll have remote access to content along with personalized favorite resources. You can also access content remotely using Pitt’s remote access service or UPMC Access, even if you don’t have a MyAccess account.

The Custom Curriculum tool enables faculty to create interactive learning modules. To have instructor privileges added to your MyAccess profile, send an e-mail request to, specifying that AccessPharmacy is your preferred resource. The McGraw-Hill User Services team will send an e-mail confirmation when Custom Curriculum instructor privileges have been enabled.

Personal, dynamic, and interactive are some words to describe AccessPharmacy. Discover its utility for yourself!

~Michele Klein Fedyshin

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Bringing Rigor and Reproducibility to Research

HSLS and the Department of Biomedical Informatics are sponsoring a one-day symposium, Bringing Rigor and Reproducibility to Research, on Thursday, September 22, 2016, from 10 a.m.–2p.m., in BST S100A (note room change). The symposium features a keynote speaker, Victoria Stodden, PhD, who will discuss “Rethinking the Scholarly Record: Facilitating Reproducibility of Computational Results.” A panel discussion follows the talk.

The featured panelists are:

  • Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dean and Distinguished Service Professor of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh
  • Charles Horn, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine & Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh
  • Janette Lamb, PhD, Assistant Director, Genomics Research Core, University of Pittsburgh
  • Jeremy P. Somers, PhD, Scientific Director, Office of Research, Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

A box lunch will be provided to those who register. A spotlight on resources that will help researchers to bring rigor and reproducibility to their own research concludes the day.

R3 poster image

This project has been supported in part or in full with federal funds through the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012342 with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.

~Nancy Tannery

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Peer Review Week 2016: Innovative Ways to Energize the Review Process

September 19-25 has been designated Peer Review Week 2016 to highlight the importance of the role peer review plays in scholarly communication. This is an excellent time to review new models of peer review resulting from the revolution of electronic publishing. The chart below illustrates the new flexibility in peer review, in both pre- and post-publication. Open review and commentary has become more common, both as a means of speeding up the publication process and encouraging open discussion.

peer review
*Open access

Adapted from A. Fresco-Santalla and T. Hernandex-Perez, “Current and Evolving Models of Peer Review,” The Serials Librarian, 67 (2014): 373–398.

Note that authors publishing in Open Access journals retain copyright to their work, although even some traditional publishers are following that lead and becoming more generous. Check your publisher’s website to confirm current copyright agreements.

Some experiments in peer review include new business models, such as ELife, which is supported by foundations and does not charge publications fees at all. PeerJ has optional memberships starting at $199 which include at least one free publication with a requirement to review one paper. (Scroll down to PeerJ FAQs for details.) These two journals were created by academics who have experienced the publication difficulties of researchers.

Another aspect being examined is reviewer incentives, especially at a time when reviewers are hard to find. Reviewers make large contributions to scholarly efforts, but are generally not rewarded in citations or institutional recognition. New businesses such as Publons are providing a standardized way of tracking reviews to be recorded as a citation for annual faculty reports or CVs. Publons is linked through ORCID and Altmetric to accurately report reviewing statistics for an author.

For those who want to know more about peer review today, see

Wiley Publishers:

The BMJ:

For more information, e-mail Andrea Ketchum at or call 412-648-9757.

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Liaison Librarians Work in Partnership with Health Sciences Schools

Liaison librarians provide a communication link between HSLS and the departments and programs in the schools of the health sciences. Liaisons can provide curriculum and information support by teaching students to recognize when information is needed, and providing them with the skills to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. They also collaborate with faculty on research projects or grants and consult one-on-one on in-depth or specialized topics.

Each of the liaisons listed below provide lectures and hands-on instruction to literally hundreds of students every year. Stop by, call, or e-mail to introduce yourself!

Dental Medicine
Rebecca Abromitis, MLS
Dental Hygiene
Melissa Ratajeski, MLIS, RLAT
Public Health
Barbara Folb, MM, MLS, MPH
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Rose Turner, MLIS

Medical Education
Rose Turner, MLIS

Mary Lou Klem, PhD, MLIS
 Mary Lou
Michele Klein Fedyshin, MSLS, BA, BSN, RN

~Nancy Tannery

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

You Have an ORCID iD, Now What?

You have a new ORCID iD, but what does it do for you? While your ORCID iD streamlines and automates tasks such as manuscript submission, there is so much more it can do! The following three illustrated guides will help you set up accurate searches for your own publications, streamline biosketch production, and introduce you to personalized altmetrics reports. Each guide can be downloaded from the HSLS Scholarly Communication Guide: ORCID@Pitt.

Guide 1: Link to Scopus to automatically download your publications

  1. By linking your ORCID iD to the bibliographic database Scopus, you will enable Scopus to accurately retrieve all your publications (including some you may have forgotten). Follow the instructions to link possible multiple author profiles to produce one Scopus ID for yourself.
  2. The Scopus ID will then be linked to your ORCID iD, and upon your confirmation, your Scopus records will automatically populate your ORCID account. This is a one-time operation after which you may use your ORCID iD rather than your name to search Scopus.

Guide 2: Connect ORCID and eRA Commons to MyNCBI’s SciENcv

  1. Connect both your ORCID and eRA Commons accounts to NCBI’s SciENcv to efficiently produce properly formatted NIH and NSF biosketches. Data stored in each system will be available to draw upon when completing a biosketch using NCBI’s SciENcv.
  2. Your ORCID iD account should be populated with additional information for biosketches, such as education and funding (which ORCID automatically finds for you!).

Guide 3: ImpactStory now summarizes your altmetrics

  1. Display the immediate impact of your work in the news, through social media, and around the world using ImpactStory.
  2. Once your ORCID account is populated, visit ImpactStory for an instant aggregated altmetrics analysis. In how many countries has your work been saved and shared? What was the most interesting Tweet?

For more information about ORCID, please e-mail Andrea Ketchum at or call 412-648-9757.

~Andrea Ketchum

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Guiding Principles for Data Management: Is Your Data FAIR?

For the past several years, researchers, funders, publishers, software developers, institutions, and other research stakeholders have been discussing methods for data-sharing and data stewardship on a grand scale, recognizing the need for minimal principles and practices. The FAIR data principles were first formalized in 2014 at a workshop in Leiden, The Netherlands, and are available for comment at the website of Force11.

“FAIR” is an acronym representing data as (1) Findable (2) Accessible (3) Interoperable (4) Re-usable. The four FAIR principles add efficiency and value to research data when it is ready for journal submission with its associated manuscript.

  1. Findable
    • Data should have a unique and persistent identifier at all times;
    • The unique and persistent identifier locates the dataset in a digital space;
    • Data should be distinguished from all other data via metadata;
    • Identifiers for any concept used in a dataset should also be unique and persistent.
  2. Accessible
    • Access can be always obtained by machines and humans with appropriate authorization;
    • Access can be always obtained by machines and humans through an open, free, well-defined protocol;
    • Machines and humans alike can access metadata, even if the data object itself is not available.
  3. Interoperable
    • If metadata is machine-readable, the data object is interoperable;
    • If metadata formats use shared vocabularies, the data object is interoperable.
  4. Re-usable
    • Data objects should be compliant with the first three principles to be re-usable;
    • Metadata should include a clear data usage license permitting reuse;
    • Documentation of software, code, and similar files must be included for accurate reuse;
    • Data objects must be clearly associated with their source (provenance) for proper citation.

With the FAIR Principles, there are now methods to evaluate both data and data repositories:

  • The FAIR Principles provide a method for self-assessment of basic dataset interoperability and usability.
  • The Data Seal of Approval is granted by an international organization to data repositories that meet quality standards via self-assessment.

For data related questions, contact a member of the HSLS Data Management Group.

~Andrea M. Ketchum

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.


Kate Flewelling, NN/LM MAR Health Professions Coordinator, was a Fellow at the National Library of Medicine’s Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course from September 11-17, 2016.

Joel Marchewka has joined HSLS as a Web Application Programmer with Digital Library Services. He previously worked at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History where he worked as a Web Experience Specialist.


Author names in bold are HSLS-affiliated

Jonathon Erlen, History of Medicine Librarian, published “New Dissertations” in Nursing History Review, 25: 196, 2017.

K. Khurshid, J. Yabes, P. Weiss, Research and Instruction Librarian, et al. published “Effect of Antihypertensive Medications on the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 12(8):1143-51, August 15, 2016.

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Classes September 2016

HSLS offers classes on database searching, software applications such as Prezi, bibliographic management, and molecular biology and genetics. For more information, visit the online course descriptions.

Classes are held on the first floor of Falk Library (200 Scaife Hall) in Classroom 1 and on the upper floor of the library in Classroom 2. All classes are open to faculty, staff, and students of the schools of the health sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, who will need a valid Pitt ID or e-mail account. They are also open to UPMC residents and fellows, who will need to show their UPMC IDs. Continue reading