HSLS Director
Now that we’ve been a totally online library for more than six weeks, you may be interested in how we’ve been working in these strange new circumstances.
Our transition has gone very well, with a few “essential personnel” continuing to work onsite to make sure that everyone has the technology that they need, and to troubleshoot problems with servers and software (thankfully very few). Construction in Scaife Hall has stopped, so our space is eerily quiet.
Librarians and staff working from home have been very busy: between March 23 and April 24, we offered more than 27 virtual workshops and class presentations to nearly 500 attendees with 52 virtual workshops scheduled for the next 3 months. Some instructors have noted that their “students” have included department chairs and senior investigators, who usually aren’t able to attend in person. Librarians have also been very busy with systematic reviews and consultations; we’ve provided support to 711 requestors, and responded to 70 phone and e-mail inquiries. Continue reading