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Information was current at time of publication.

You Have an ORCID iD, Now What?

You have a new ORCID iD, but what does it do for you? While your ORCID iD streamlines and automates tasks such as manuscript submission, there is so much more it can do! The following three illustrated guides will help you set up accurate searches for your own publications, streamline biosketch production, and introduce you to personalized altmetrics reports. Each guide can be downloaded from the HSLS Scholarly Communication Guide: ORCID@Pitt.

Guide 1: Link to Scopus to automatically download your publications

  1. By linking your ORCID iD to the bibliographic database Scopus, you will enable Scopus to accurately retrieve all your publications (including some you may have forgotten). Follow the instructions to link possible multiple author profiles to produce one Scopus ID for yourself.
  2. The Scopus ID will then be linked to your ORCID iD, and upon your confirmation, your Scopus records will automatically populate your ORCID account. This is a one-time operation after which you may use your ORCID iD rather than your name to search Scopus.

Guide 2: Connect ORCID and eRA Commons to MyNCBI’s SciENcv

  1. Connect both your ORCID and eRA Commons accounts to NCBI’s SciENcv to efficiently produce properly formatted NIH and NSF biosketches. Data stored in each system will be available to draw upon when completing a biosketch using NCBI’s SciENcv.
  2. Your ORCID iD account should be populated with additional information for biosketches, such as education and funding (which ORCID automatically finds for you!).

Guide 3: ImpactStory now summarizes your altmetrics

  1. Display the immediate impact of your work in the news, through social media, and around the world using ImpactStory.
  2. Once your ORCID account is populated, visit ImpactStory for an instant aggregated altmetrics analysis. In how many countries has your work been saved and shared? What was the most interesting Tweet?

For more information about ORCID, please e-mail Andrea Ketchum at or call 412-648-9757.

~Andrea Ketchum