While there are many ways to search for the title of an e-book, it’s much more difficult to search through the contents. HSLS has developed an innovative tool for the full-text searching of over 1,000 health and biomedical science e-books simultaneously. It’s called E-Book Full Text search. With a single, simple search, you can pull results from a variety of e-books.
Searching is easy! To access E-Book Full Text search, direct your browser to the HSLS home page. Near the top of the screen, in the dark blue box, click on the E-Book Full Text button.

Enter a “Google-style” query into the search box, click on the search icon, and then wait a few seconds.

The results will point directly to relevant sections of each book’s full text. Along the left side of the screen, results are also grouped into categories that enable more precise retrieval without reformulation of the search.

Popular biomedical e-books available in E-Book Full Text search include:
- Clinical Anesthesia, 8th edition
- Current Surgical Therapy, 12th edition
- Epidemiology, 5th edition (Gordis)
- Guide to Evidence-Based Physical Therapist Practice, 4th edition
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th edition
- How to Write, Publish, & Present in the Health Sciences
- IM Essentials
- Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, 6th edition
- Miller’s Anesthesia, 8th edition
- Nursing Concept Care Maps for Providing Safe Patient Care
- Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach, 10th edition
E-Book Full Text search allows users to search a large collection of e-books simultaneously across providers and at a full-text level. The simple interface and ability to search across multiple resources at one time makes E-Book Full Text search appealing.
For further information or questions about E-Book Full Text search, send an e-mail to medlibq@pitt.edu or call 412-648-8866.
~Jill Foust