This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

New HSLS Guide for NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

The National Institutes of Health’s new Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy), which goes into effect January 25, 2023, will require NIH-funded researchers to submit a plan outlining how scientific data from their research will be managed and shared within their funding application. The policy includes an expectation that researchers will maximize their data sharing within ethical, legal, or technical constraints, and it explicitly encourages researchers to incorporate data sharing, via deposit into a public repository, into their standard research process.

To help University of Pittsburgh researchers comply with the new policy, HSLS Data Services has put together a new guide, with each topic of the guide organized into three sections:

  • Learning content
  • Videos (forthcoming) and slides
  • Related resources, including official notices and guidance from the NIH

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This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.
This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.
This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Indulge in a New Book over Winter Break

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Looking for a good book to relax with over winter break? HSLS has over 200 print books to choose from in the Leisure Reading Collection. There is a wonderful variety of fiction and non-fiction in a wide range of genres, which is sure to please. Check out the selection of new titles available on the library’s main floor.

Below are several popular new books HSLS has to offer:

Chrysalis: A Thriller by Lincoln Child

The Daughter of Auschwitz: My Story of Resilience, Survival and Hope by Tova Friedman and Malcolm Brabant

Dinners with Ruth: A Memoir on the Power of Friendships by Nina Totenberg

Illegally Yours: A Memoir by Rafael Agustin

Fairy Tale: A Novel by Stephen King Continue reading

This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, and more.


Congratulations to Stephen Gabrielson, Scholarly Communication Librarian, on being awarded the 2022 MAC Award for Professional Excellence by a Health Sciences Librarian by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association.


Stephen Gabrielson, Scholarly Communication Librarian, co-authored the article:

Shaaban CE, Dennis TL, Gabrielson S, Miller LJ, Zellers DF, Levine AS, et al. (2022) Retention, mobility, and successful transition to independence of health sciences postdocs. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0276389. Continue reading