HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, and more.


Julia Dahm, Assistant Director for Technology Integration and Fulfillment Services, was acknowledged for her assistance in figure preparation in the article:

Guo, X., Liu, S., Sheng, Y., Zenati, M., Billiar, T., Herbert, A., & Wang, Q. (2023). ADAR1 Zα domain P195A mutation activates the MDA5-dependent RNA-sensing signaling pathway in brain without decreasing overall RNA editing. Cell reports, 42(7), 112733. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112733

Michele Klein-Fedyshin, Research and Clinical Instruction Librarian, and Andrea Ketchum, Research and Instruction Librarian Emeritus, co-authored the article:

Klein-Fedyshin M, Ketchum AM. PubMed’s core clinical journals filter: redesigned for contemporary clinical impact and utility . J Med Libr Assoc. 2023 Jul 10;111(3):665-676. doi: 10.5195/jmla.2023.1631.

This article was also featured as the JMLA Spotlight in the Association News blog on July 13, 2023.


Michael Balkenhol, NNLM All of Us Program Center Engagement Coordinator, co-presented the session:

Balkenhol M, Han S, Martin C, Solis M, Gittemeier O. Health Programming at Your Library: Project Ideas, Resources, and Opportunities. American Library Association Annual Conference Session. Chicago, IL June 24, 2023.