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Information was current at time of publication.

PubMed Central’s New Website Design

If you have used PubMed Central (PMC) recently, you might have noticed that it looks a bit different. In March 2022, PMC launched a new, modernized version of their website. This update was to improve navigation and article viewing and to provide consistency between features in PMC and PubMed.

PubMed Central is an archive of freely available biomedical and life sciences journal articles. It contains full-text manuscripts deposited by authors as part of their compliance with NIH or other institutions’ public access policies, as well as journal articles deposited directly by publishers.

When you view an article in PMC, you can now quickly see what other articles in PMC are citing it, link to data availability statements or supplementary materials associated with the article, and find similar articles in PubMed. Additional tools allow you to easily generate a formatted citation of the article, share a link to it on social media, or save it to your Favorites collection in My NCBI. Additional information on these and other new features can be found in the PMC User Guide and the Quick Guide to Updated Article View.

The Quick Guide to Updated Article View uses illustrations to map out the areas with improved functionality. For the article you are viewing, you can quickly link to other articles that cite it, any data that is related to it, and similar articles in PubMed. Articles are viewable in HTML and may be available in other formats such as PDF and PubReader. Articles can easily be cited, shared on social media, or saved to your Favorites collection in My NCBI. Keep in mind that searching in PMC is different than searching in PubMed. PubMed contains content from the bibliographic database MEDLINE and the NCBI Bookshelf, as well as PMC. If you are affiliated with Pitt or UPMC and have questions about accessing articles you’ve found in PubMed or PMC, contact Ask A Librarian.

~Francesca Yates