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Information was current at time of publication.

Free Open Access Publishing with Cambridge University Press

We are excited to announce that the NorthEast Research Libraries Consortium (NERL), of which the University of Pittsburgh is a member, has signed a Read and Publish agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP) that will waive article processing charges (APCs) for open access articles that meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Have a corresponding author affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh or UPMC.
  • Be original research—eligible article types are research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports, and case reports.
  • Be accepted for publication in a CUP journal covered by the agreement.
  • Be accepted for publication on or after January 1, 2022.

Open access refers to journal articles and other research outputs that are freely available to download and read. One of the greatest benefits of open access is that it can increase the visibility and reach of your work, since readers face fewer access barriers like expensive journal subscriptions. Because of this, open access articles are also more likely to be downloaded and cited than articles from subscription journals. Publishing with open access can be the first step in making societal impact by ensuring that your work is accessible to policymakers, journalists, community members, and researchers across the globe. The CUP Read and Publish (also called “Transformative”) agreement provides both free open access publishing and traditional “reading” access to CUP’s subscription journals.

To publish open access with a CUP journal, register for an account with their online submission system. It is important to enter your University of Pittsburgh or UPMC affiliation and to use your Pitt or UPMC email address, as these will determine your eligibility for having the APCs waived for publishing open access. After your manuscript is submitted, it undergoes peer review. If accepted for publication, an email will be sent to you with a publishing agreement that includes an option to publish your article as open access. The publishing agreement will also ask you to select a Creative Commons license.

The following is a selection of health sciences journals from CUP:

  • British Journal of Nutrition
  • CNS Spectrums
  • Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
  • Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
  • Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
  • Journal of Laryngology & Otology
  • Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
  • Palliative & Supportive Care

Have questions about publishing open access with a CUP journal? HSLS librarians are available to help guide you through the process and answer questions about open access, copyright and licensing, and other publishing topics as well.

~Stephen Gabrielson