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Information was current at time of publication.

A Rare Look into the Special Collections at HSLS

Readers of the HSLS Update’s Treasures of the Rare Book Room series know about the fascinating stories behind some our oldest and most significant books housed in the HSLS Rare Books and Special Collections. While examining these unique items usually requires an appointment, a new video series invites our readers to a behind-the-scenes look at the collection.

The Medical Treasures virtual series follows curated themes that allow you to explore interesting books and their importance in the field of medicine. Gosia Fort, PhD, who manages the Rare Book and Special Collections, narrates the stories.

Two videos of the series are now viewable on demand:

The virtual series is a collaboration with the Medical Alumni Association and the Health Sciences Office of Alumni Relations. Tune into the HSLS YouTube channel to watch future episodes, which will premiere throughout the spring and summer of 2021.

~Julia Dahm