This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Micromedex Pediatrics and NeoFax Apps Now Available

The Micromedex Pediatrics and NeoFax Apps can be accessed through the HSLS Mobile Apps website. Both apps contain evidence-based, fully referenced information. The NeoFax App includes neonatal-specific drug information to efficiently and safely manage drug therapy for neonatal patients. The Pediatrics App is a reliable source for drug therapy for pediatric patients.

On the Mobile Apps website, you will find:

  • Instructions on how to create an account in order to access an app
  • Information about app updates and expiration
  • The content included in each app
  • Directions on how to find help
  • Direct links to the Google Play Store and Apple Store for easy app downloads

Other apps available on the HSLS Mobile Apps website include the ClinicalKey App, Micromedex IV Compatibility App, STAT!Ref App, UpToDate App, and others. All apps are available to Pitt and UPMC users through the HSLS subscriptions to the full databases.

If you have any questions, or would like further information, please send an e-mail to Ask-a-Librarian.

~Jill Foust