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Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Social Media Accounts

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter apps on a phone

In these uncertain times, there is undoubtedly an increased need for readily available information. When visiting a website, a user can become overwhelmed trying to find relevant information in a short amount of time. Social media accounts can be updated quickly and often provide real-time information, like modified operating hours or services that have been moved remotely, newly added resources, or upcoming events. For some people, turning to the social media account of a business, institution, or in this case, the Health Sciences Library System can provide them with quick updates and information without the need to browse an entire website. HSLS has an official presence on Twitter (@HSLSPitt), Instagram (@HSLSPitt), and Facebook (@PittHSLS).

Now more than ever, having up-to-date social media accounts is crucial to the day-to-day operations of the Health Sciences Library System. We have been using the HSLS social media accounts to share important updates with our audience such as: COVID-19 impacts on HSLS, how we are helping students remotely, upcoming classes and workshops, and providing relevant resources. We update our social accounts several times a week, so be sure to follow us for important announcements regarding the library. If you have any questions, always feel free to send us a “Direct Message” through our social media, and our team will put you in touch with the right person.

~Marissa Spade