This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Alert for Mendeley Users

Do you use Mendeley? If so, you should know that the University of Pittsburgh’s institutional subscription to Mendeley will be ending on December 31, 2019. What does that mean for you? Most users will not see any changes, and everyone will retain access to their Mendeley account through the free version. However, with a free account, your personal library storage is limited to 2 GB, your shared storage to 100 MB, and you are limited to five private groups. To see if this change will affect you, you can check your account at Log in and then click the dropdown arrow next to your name in the upper right corner. Click on Subscription, and you’ll see how much personal and shared space you have used.

If you are interested in switching to a citation manager with unlimited storage, Pitt provides students, faculty, and staff access to F1000 Workspace and EndNote. You can find further information on each of these citation managers on our EndNote guide.

We recommend that all users back up their Mendeley library. Detailed steps are available on the University Library System’s Mendeley Backup website.

If you are over the free account limits or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Rebekah Miller.

~Rebekah Miller