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HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.


Renae Barger, HSLS Associate Director for Research, Instruction, and Clinical Services/NNLM Middle Atlantic Region Program Lead, and Michele Klein-Fedyshin, Research & Clinical Instruction Librarian, have been invited to participate in the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) strategic planning process. Barger is participating on the panel addressing the “Role of NLM in Supporting the Public’s Health: Clinical Systems, Public Health Systems and Services, and Personal Health” and Klein-Fedyshin is participating on the panel addressing the “Role of NLM in Building Collections to Support Discovery and Health in the 21st Century.” The general format for each panel will be an initial teleconference, one face-to-face meeting of 1.5 days at the National Library of Medicine on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD, and a series of follow-up teleconferences to review and discuss the panel report and recommendations.

Melissa Ratajeski, Coordinator of Data Management Services, earned Distinguished status in the Medical Library Association’s Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP).


Author names in bold are HSLS-affiliated

J. Bandari, C.B. Wessel, Head of Research Initiatives, and B.L. Jacobs, published “Comparative Effectiveness in Urology: A State of the Art Review Utilizing a Systematic Approach” in Current Opinion in Urology, April 19, 2017.

Utsav Bansal, Charles Wessel, Head of Research Initiatives, Christopher Graziano, et al., published “Presence of Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumors in the Bladder” in PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, 2017: CRD42017057419.

C.S. Cocanour, P. Chang, J.M. Huston, C.A. Adams Jr, J.J. Diaz, C.B. Wessel, Head of Research Initiatives, et al., published “Management and Novel Adjuncts of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections” in Surgical Infections, 18(3): 250-272, April 2017.

Jonathon Erlen, history of medicine librarian, published “Dissertations in the History of Pharmacy” in Pharmacy in History, 58(3-4): 110, 2016.

Emily Guhl, Jared Magnani, and Charlie Wessel, Head of Research Initiatives, published “Association of Health Literacy and Outcomes in Atrial Fibrillation (AF): A Systematic Review” in PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, 2017: CRD42017064782.

J. Rodakowski, P.B. Rocco, M. Ortiz, B. Folb, Public Health Informationist, et al., published “Caregiver Integration during Discharge Planning for Older Adults to Reduce Resource Use: A Metaanalysis” in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, April 3, 2017.


Presenter names in bold are HSLS-affiliated

Lydia Collins, Consumer Health Coordinator, NNLM Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Play, Read, Explore: Finding Health Information for You and Your Young Child” on April 11, 2017, and “Engage for Health and Evaluate Online Health Information” on April 12, 2017, at the Grove Family Library, in Chambersburg, PA. Collins also co-presented “Mental Health Matters” at the New Jersey Library Association Conference, in Atlantic City, NJ, on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, with Michele P. Stricker, Deputy State Librarian Lifelong Learning, New Jersey State Library.

Kate Flewelling, Executive Director, NNLM Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Engage for Health: A Partnership to Improve Patient-Doctor Communication” at the 2017 Pennsylvania Public and Community Health Annual Conference, in Lancaster, PA, on April 6, 2017, and “Let’s Play a Game! Environmental Health Games for Kids and Teens” at the National Health Outreach Conference, in Annapolis, MD, on May 4, 2017.

Elaina Vitale, Academic Coordinator, NNLM Middle Atlantic Region, presented “Making Sense of the Numbers” at the Pennsylvania Community College Library Consortium annual meeting, in Harrisburg, PA, on April 27, 2017.