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Information was current at time of publication.

DSM-5 Now Available

HSLS now provides access to the online version of DSM-5, the latest revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the DSM is considered the authoritative guide to diagnosing mental disorders. The last major revision (DSM-IV) was published in 1994, with a text revision (DSM-IV-TR) in 2000.

David J. Kupfer, MD, Thomas Detre Professor of Psychiatry, chaired the task force that oversaw the development of DSM-5. Between 2008 and 2012, the DSM-5 Task Force and thirteen Work Groups drafted, revised, and finalized the diagnostic criteria and text of DSM-5. More than 160 members of the task force and work groups reviewed the research literature, analyzed data, sought feedback from colleagues, and organized field trials. DSM-5 was officially released in May 2013.

The APA aimed to develop DSM-5 as an evidence-based manual: “Decisions to include a diagnosis in DSM-5 were based on a careful consideration of the scientific advances in research underlying the disorder, as well as the collective clinical knowledge of experts in the field.”1 In addition, many of the changes in DSM-5 attempt to address symptoms and behaviors that were not well defined by DSM-IV.1

To access the online version of DSM-5:

  1. Search DSM-5 in the Pitt Resources Quick Search box.
  2. Visit the Psychiatry section on the Health Sciences E-Books by Subject Web page.

More information about DSM-5 is available from these APA Web sites:

A print copy is also available at the Falk Library Main Desk.

1. “About DSM-5/Frequently Asked Questions,” American Psychiatric Association, accessed July 31, 2013,

~ Jeff Husted