This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

HealthCAS Graduates Second Cohort of Students

The second cohort of 11 students in the Certificate of Advanced Study in Health Sciences Librarianship (HealthCAS) program received graduation certificates at a Capstone event held on May 19, 2012. The event was held at the University of Washington Health Sciences Library in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA) in Seattle. In addition to completing 12 credits of online coursework, each student conducted an applied research project over the course of the yearlong program, and submitted the results as a poster presentation at the MLA meeting. Ten poster submissions were accepted and presented at this meeting.

A third cohort of seven students is now enrolled in the program and progressing through the first course, Libraries in Health Care Environments. A student visit to the Pitt campus is planned for the week of June 18.

HealthCAS is funded by an initial three-year grant, now extended to a fourth year, to Pitt’s School of Information Sciences (iSchool) and HSLS from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The program consists of three semesters of online coursework. Each semester covers one four-credit course: (1) Libraries in Health Care Environments, (2) Collections and Resources in Health Care Environments, and (3) Reference Services and Instruction in Health Care Environments. The independent research project spans all three semesters. The HealthCAS curriculum is developed and taught by a team of HSLS faculty librarians, who have adjunct iSchool faculty appointments.

Further information about the course is available from the iSchool or HSLS.

~ Ester Saghafi