This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Keep Your Meeting Posters Visible with F1000 Posters

Faculty of 1000, publisher of The Scientist and proponent of post-publication peer review, has created another resource to promote the dissemination of scientific ideas and research—F1000 Posters. F1000 Posters is an open access repository that includes voluntarily deposited posters presented at over 200 international biological and medical conferences. This quick, easy, and free tool aims to provide indefinite access to the latest research presented at meetings long after they’ve ended, maximizing the time, effort, and costs associated with poster creation.

Highly-viewed posters may receive 800+ hits in a month, and the most interesting posters are selected for evaluation by F1000 faculty experts. F1000 Posters provides a platform for case studies and negative results as well as a forum for ideas and feedback. Links to papers associated with posters are added once they are published in a peer-reviewed journal. However, be aware that publishers have varying opinions on whether the deposition of a poster to F1000 Posters is considered to be a prepublication.

F1000 Posters may be viewed by Topic, Section (Biology or Medicine), and Conference. For more information on depositing a poster, see the FAQ for individuals and societies/conference organizers.

~ Carrie Iwema