This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS E-Books: Providing More Access

HSLS provides access to e-books from a number of providers—MD Consult, Ovid, R2, and STAT!Ref, to name a few. HSLS strives to offer the best mix of titles based on availability and affordability, but this can mean that only a limited number of users may be able to access an e-book at the same time. Depending on the title, access is provided to an unlimited number of users, or only one person at a time, or somewhere in between. HSLS monitors the number of times our e-books are accessed, as well as how often users get “turned away.” We also respond to access problems reported by our users. When possible, HSLS may purchase additional “copies” of a title to allow more users to have simultaneous access.

HSLS recently purchased an additional copy of Medical Terminology Simplified, available from the R2 Digital Library. We purchased the original copy less than two months ago, but a number of users reported problems accessing the title in recent weeks. This heightened demand prompted the purchase of an additional copy, which will now allow two users to access the title at the same time.

AccessMedicine and AccessSurgery offer a number of popular medical and surgical reference e-books, including Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine and Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery. Starting in July 2011, HSLS will increase the number of seats for AccessMedicine and AccessSurgery, as well as for Scriver’s OMMBID:

  • AccessMedicine—from 6 to 30 seats
  • AccessSurgery—from 6 to 20 seats
  • Scriver’s OMMBID—from 5 to 20 seats

HSLS hopes the additional seats will considerably reduce the number of users who get turned away from these resources. However, if you are turned away, please try again after a short while; usually the situation is only temporary.

Electronic resources are accessible by typing the name of the resource in the in the Pitt Resources Quick Search box on the HSLS home page.

~ Jeff Husted