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Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.

Barbara Epstein, HSLS director was invited to participate in the Leadership Forum of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), held in Arlington, VA, on December 15-16, 2010.  The Forum’s topic was “Creating the Physician I Need in the System I Want.”

Julia Jankovic has been appointed visiting Computer & Media Center (CMC) librarian. Jankovic earned both a BA and an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh. She began working at HSLS in 2006. Jankovic’s responsibilities include teaching, overseeing the CMC, and technology-oriented projects.


Epstein BA, HSLS director published “Do Open Access Initiatives Influence Journal Collection Development Decisions? A Report from the Ad Hoc Committee for Advocating Scholarly Communication” in Medical Library Association News, 50(10):1,9, November/December 2010.

History of medicine librarian Jonathon Erlen, along with co-author Jay Toth published “Recent Dissertations” in American Indian Quarterly, 34(4):548-51, 2010.

Reference librarian Melissa Ratajeski, along with co-author Angela Dixon1 published “Chapter Council Presents Sharing Roundtables: 2010 Report and 2011 Survey” in Medical Library Association News, 50(9):15, October 2010.

1Edward G. Miner Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Reference librarian Ester Saghafi, along with co-authors Lynn M. Martire1, Richard. Schulz2, Vicki S. Helgeson3, and Brent J. Small4 published “Review and Meta-Analysis of Couple-Oriented Interventions for Chronic Illness” in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40(3): 325-42, December 2010.

1Department of Human Development and Family Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, 118 Henderson Building North, University Park, PA 16802
2Department of Psychiatry and University Center for Social and Urban Research, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
3Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
4School of Aging Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL