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HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.


 Barbara Epstein, HSLS director, will chair the Medical Library Association’s Task Force for Advocating Scholarly Communication.

Michele Klein-Fedyshin, reference librarian, was certified as an ELNEC (End of Life Nursing Education Consortium) Core Trainer.

Melissa Ratajeski, reference librarian, was appointed Chapter Council Liaison to the Medical Library Association’s Membership Committee.



UPMC Shadyside librarians Michelle Burda, Melissa Ratajeski, and Charlie Wessel presented a Web conference talk “Magnet Experience: Providing Services that Facilitate Quality Care, Evidence-Based Practice and Leadership at your Institution” for the Atlanta Health Science Libraries Consortium meeting on July 14, 2011.



Leslie Czechowski, assistant director for Access Services, published “Problems with E-Books: Suggestions for Publishers” in JMLA, 99(3):181-2, Jul 2011; “Report on ALA Midwinter Session, ‘Is Selection Dead: The Rise of Collection Management and the Twilight of Selection’ ” in Developments, 23(1), Spring 2011; and “Providing Access to a Hidden Collection at the University of Pittsburgh” in Watermark, 34(3): 60-61, Summer 2011.

Barb Folb, public health informationist and reference librarian, Charlie Wessel, head of Hospital Services, and Leslie Czechowski, assistant director for Access Services, published “Clinical and Academic Use of Electronic and Print Books: The Health Sciences Library System E-Book Study at the University of Pittsburgh” in JMLA, 99(3):218-228, Jul 2011.

Senior Associate Director Nancy Tannery, along with co-authors Lauren Maggio1, and Steven Kanter2 published “Reproducibility of Literature Search Reporting in Medical Education Reviews” in Academic Medicine, 86(8):1049-54, Aug 2011, and “AM Last Page: How to Perform an Effective Database Search” in Academic Medicine, 86(8):1057, Aug 2011.

1Lane Medical Library, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA

2University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA