This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

The Value of Libraries Study is Coming to UPMC

HSLS is participating in the initial phase of a multi-site study of the use and value of library resources.  In the coming weeks, with the support of UPMC administrators, HSLS will be sending physicians, residents, and nurses an invitation to complete a brief online survey assessing the role of HSLS information resources in improving patient care.  The data collected in this confidential survey, as well as data gathered by other hospital and health sciences libraries across the country, will lead to a better understanding of the relationship between library information resources and the quality of patient care.  To participate in this survey, watch for messages in your UPMC e-mail account with the subject line “LIBRARY WEB SURVEY.”

This study has been approved by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board. The Principal Investigator is Mary Lou Klem, PhD. For more information about the study, contact Klem at 412-383-9947 or e-mail

~ Mary Lou Klem