This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Where to Find Reliable Consumer Health Information

Looking for easy-to-understand, trustworthy health information aimed at the general public?  Try search.HSLS.ConsumerHealth.  This portal leads you to government and association resources in MedlinePlus, UPMC patient education materials, classes and workshops at UPMC hospitals, health news, information to improve the quality and safety of your health care, books and videos in HSLS and area public libraries, and patient and family services in the Pittsburgh area.


Information is updated on a continuous basis.  For example, MedlinePlus released a new version of the A.D.A.M. Online Medical Encyclopedia that includes approximately 400 new Patient Instruction pages, covering pre-operative information and instructions, discharge instructions, self-care instructions, and questions to ask your doctor.

~ Jill Foust