This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

World Class Online Seminars: Henry Stewart Talks

HenryStewartTalksAre you curious to discover what leading experts have to say about biomedicine and life sciences? Do you enjoy listening and learning in the comfort of your own office, lab, or home? Are you eager to watch seminars on your own schedule? Then the Henry Stewart Talks are exactly what you’re seeking!

HSLS is pleased to provide our Pitt/UPMC users with access to the Henry Stewart Talks: Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, a searchable series of audiovisual presentations from internationally-recognized scientists. The collection is organized into series that can be browsed by topic, such as Epigenetics, Design & Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials, RNA Interference, or searched by keyword. It is regularly updated and expanded, and currently contains over 1,000 talks, as short as 10 minutes or as long as 75 minutes.

Information about each talk includes the speaker(s) name and a brief biography, a detailed slide index, a printable slide handout in PDF, duration of the talk, a brief description, citation information, a direct access link to the video, publication date, and placement in the topic’s series. Each series also includes information on the target audience, series editor(s), and publication/update/review dates.

There are multiple methods for locating the Henry Stewart Talks:

  1. All talks are catalogued in PITTCat; search for Henry Stewart Talks under “Title Begins with” for an alphabetical list or to search by individual title.
  2. Click on the “Videos” tab on the MolBio home page.
  3. Visit Henry Stewart Talks: Online Seminars by Leading World Experts.

The talks are available 24/7, so you can access them whenever and wherever you’d like. The only caveat is that your IP address must be recognized as a Pitt affiliate, so use remote access if you’re off campus.

The Henry Stewart Talks are a valuable resource for the latest research and developments in biomedical and life sciences, directly from leading world experts. Have a look and let us know what you think.

For more information about the Henry Stewart Talks, contact Carrie Iwema at or 412-383-6887.

~ Carrie Iwema