This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Scopus Database, Science Direct Enhancements: SciVerse and SciVerse Hub

Elsevier Science has released SciVerse, a search product that integrates searching across three sources: the Scopus abstract and citation database, full-text journals from Science Direct, and Scirus, a database of selected scientific content from the Internet. The initial SciVerse release includes several new features, including:

  • The ability to search within the methods sections of Science Direct journals
  • Image searching in Science Direct
  • A display of sentences from retrieved articles that contain your search words in context with links to the full text
  • Ranking of authors by number of their articles in the results, with a link to an author search in Scopus


Future Developments
Elsevier’s future plans do not call for the removal of the existing Scopus and Science Direct platforms. Users will be able to search them individually or together on SciVerse. Elsevier will begin to add new applications to SciVerse starting in 2011. They are also releasing the SciVerse API to encourage 3rd party development of applications.

Accessing SciVerse
To access SciVerse, type SciVerse into the Pitt Resources Quick Search box on the HSLS home page. This resource can also be found in the HSLS Databases A – Z list.

~ Barb Folb