This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Full-text Articles Now Available from Mobile PubMed

Do you use from your mobile device? If so, full-text PubMed is now available! Easily accessible from the HSLS mobile apps page, the PubMed link allows mobile users on the Pitt or UPMC wireless network to search:

  • MEDLINE, the freely accessible online database of biomedical journal citations and abstracts
  • PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome), a method of searching the literature for evidence
  • askMEDLINE, a free-text, natural language search tool for MEDLINE
  • Journal Browser, search for journals by journal title or title abbreviation
  • Disease Associations, search case reports for disease associations


When scrolling though the results page, click the Pitt/UPMC full-text button (just like using HSLS’s PubMed on your desktop) to access the full text of the article on your mobile device.

~ Fran Yarger