This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS to Discontinue Copy Cards

In the coming weeks, Falk Library will switch to an updated cash/coin payment system on its photocopiers and printers. Patrons have always been able to use cash or coin for photocopies, but the library printers required the purchase of a copy card. This update will make printing more convenient for HSLS patrons.

In addition, in the coming weeks, University departments, and patrons with Pitt ID’s, will be able to pay for photocopying using Panther Cards on one of the library’s photocopiers.

By fall, all photocopiers and printers will be fully operational to accept both cash/coin and Panther Cards. At this time, the library’s outdated copy card system will be eliminated. Until then, all print stations and 2 photocopiers will continue to accept copy cards in order to allow users time to deplete any remaining value on existing cards.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Falk Library main desk at 412-648-8866.

~ Renae Barger