This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

New Online Resource: AMA Manual of Style

amaThe AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors, 10th edition, is now available online to HSLS users. The online edition contains information needed by medical and scientific researchers, writers, and editors to produce well-organized, clear, readable, and authoritative manuscripts.

The Manual’s home page allows you to navigate quickly and intuitively. You can use the quick search feature, which searches the full text of the Manual, or you can navigate using the left-side menu to jump to any section of the Manual.

To access this resource, type “AMA Manual of Style” in the search.HSLS box on the HSLS home page. For questions, contact a reference librarian.

Parts of this article were reprinted from AMA Manual of Style.

~ Jill Foust