This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Where are the Journals?

Looking around the HSLS libraries, you will notice fewer print journals than in years past.  We are changing our subscriptions to the electronic version of journals whenever possible and cancelling the print subscriptions in most cases. Each library may maintain a small print browsing collection.  In addition, print journals that have no electronic counterpart will continue to be available.

What are we doing with our older print journals? Because of space considerations, HSLS libraries are moving bound copies of pre-1990 print journals to off-site storage. We will retain one copy of each title.

If electronic access to an older journal volume is not available but a print copy is maintained in storage, patrons can order a copy of the article quickly and easily through Document Delivery.  There is no charge for this service.

~ Leslie Czechowski

Posted in the 2008 Issue