This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

Obtaining Materials from the WPIC Print Collection

WPIC videos are now available at Falk Library.  Other materials from the WPIC print collection will be available by request during this transition period.  The information below describes the process for obtaining these materials depending on your affiliation.

If you are affiliated with UPMC or one of the University of Pittsburgh schools of the health sciences requests for books, videos, or journals articles can be submitted online through HSLS Document Delivery.  Once your request has been processed:

•    Books from the WPIC collection may be picked up at one of the following HSLS library locations: Falk Library, UPMC Shadyside Libraries, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Libraries.

•    Copies of articles from the WPIC collection will be scanned and delivered as a PDF file at no charge.

If you are at the University of Pittsburgh, but not affiliated with one of the schools of the health sciences requests must be submitted through the University Library System.

If you are not affiliated with Pitt or UPMC:

•    Inquire about interlibrary loan services from a local public library. Many public libraries are able to order copies of articles or books through their interlibrary loan networks. Fees may apply.

•    Register for document delivery services with another health sciences library through the Loansome Doc program.  When signing up, look for libraries that specify they provide services to “unaffiliated health professionals” or “public users.” Charges and services vary for each library.

~ Renae Barger

Posted in the 2008 Issue