Scholarly Publishing Services

Not sure who to ask when you have questions about publishing? Librarians at HSLS are prepared to answer your questions, teach classes in the curriculum or lab journal clubs, and provide individual and group consultations on a variety of publishing topics.

Where to publish?

Whether you’ve published many times before, or if it’s your first time going through the process, there is much to consider when finding a suitable journal for your work. We can provide ideas for how to put your manuscript into a framework to identify relevant journals, as well as how to evaluate the quality of a journal. From understanding the different ways to make your work open access (including the Pitt libraries’ open access publishing agreements), negotiating your author rights, complying with public access policies, or publishing research outputs such as preprints, HSLS librarians are ready to help make this process easier.

Promoting your research

Making your research more visible can help extend the reach and impact of your work. Registering for an ORCID iD, a unique, persistent author ID and public record, is the first step in getting credit for your work and distinguishes you from other researchers. An ORCID iD is also required for many journals and grants. So, if you don’t have one yet, now’s the time! Reach out to us if you need any help adding works to your record, guidance on syncing your ORCID iD with other researcher profile tools, or a way to save yourself time filling out an NIH Biosketch.

Measuring academic research impact

Citation metrics are commonly used to help demonstrate your academic research impact. When used responsibly, they can be included in promotion and tenure packets, grant applications, and more. HSLS offers several tools that generate citation metrics at the article, author, journal, department, and institutional levels. We provide training and consultations on how to use these metrics tools, how metrics are calculated, and for what purposes metrics can be used in an analysis.

Want to learn more about how HSLS can support your publishing needs? Check out the asynchronous learning modules from our Open Scholarship and Research Impact Challenge, our Scholarly Publishing and Communication Services website, or contact us to ask a question or schedule a consultation to discuss your project.

~Stephen Gabrielson