New Visual Misinformation Exhibit at Falk Library

If your New Year’s resolution is to improve your ability to recognize health misinformation, you’re in luck! Falk Library is currently hosting an exhibit on visual misinformation on the main level of the library, culminating in a special misinformation escape room, now rescheduled for Friday, February 2, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Falk Library Classroom.

This exhibit highlights the particular problem of visual misinformation; while attention is often paid to text-based misinformation, visual misinformation is just as much of a concern. In fact, a study found that including a related image with a statement makes that statement more believable, regardless of whether the image provides evidence for that statement.

While visual misinformation can take many forms, this exhibit focuses on out-of-context photos, misleading charts and graphs, manipulated images in scientific publications, and AI-generated images. The exhibit also includes an interactive challenge so you can hone your ability to detect deepfakes. Additionally, books on misinformation, bias, and related topics by Ruha Benjamin, Meredith Broussard, Seema Yasmin, and others are available to borrow from the library.

Once you’ve visited the exhibit, put your new skills to the test by participating in the misinformation escape room on February 2. In the “Euphorigen Investigation” challenge, players try to unravel the truth about a chemical being added to the local water supply by decoding deepfakes, identifying bots, and finding problems with manipulated graphs.

All visitors to the exhibit can enter a drawing to win a $25 Panera gift card. Visit the Main Desk and present your Pitt ID to be entered into the drawing. Visit Falk Library to view the exhibit until Monday, January 22.

~Kelsey Cowles, Rebekah Miller, and Rachel Suppok