The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, and more.
Sri Chaparala, Lead Bioinformatics Specialist, has been promoted to Librarian III, a testament to her outstanding contributions to the HSLS Molecular Biology Information Service. She has spearheaded innovative bioinformatics workshops on cutting-edge topics and provides tailored consultations. She has also co-authored 12 peer-reviewed academic publications, demonstrating her meaningful impact on the Pitt research community.
Kelsey Cowles, Research and Instruction Librarian, has been promoted to Librarian II. In this position, Kelsey is responsible for identifying opportunities for library involvement in interprofessional education and community engagement. She also serves as a co-liaison to the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, providing research and scholarly support and instruction for the school’s faculty, staff, and students.
Rebekah Miller, Research and Instruction Librarian, has been promoted to Librarian III, reflecting her successful advancement and accomplishments as primary liaison librarian to the School of Nursing, co-liaison to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, lead for the Seed grant-funded project “Disrupting Health Dis- and Misinformation in the Patient Care Setting: Open Educational Resources for Nurse Education,” and work in misinformation education.