The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, and more.
Kelsey Cowles, Research and Instruction Librarian, earned Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) credentials through the Medical Library Association (MLA). She also achieved Level II of the MLA Consumer Health Information Specialization.
HSLS welcomes five new members to our team:
Colleen Ashley, Marketing and Web Specialist, coordinates HSLS marketing and promotional efforts, supports website administration, and provides communication within and on behalf of HSLS. She brings experience in writing, editing, and program management in the arts and higher education.
Dominick Caimano, Systems Administrator, manages HSLS web-server hardware, operating systems software, and web-based applications. He worked as an electronics technician for the Department of Cell Biology at Pitt for the past 11 years. During his time at Pitt, he earned both a BS and MS in Information Science, which positions him well as he moves into a career in information technology.
Jeremiah Galvanek, Program Manager, supports the HSLS-UPMC partnership to provide digital library resources and services. He provides project support, manages the HSDL website, facilitates outreach, and coordinates communication related to the UPMC digital library program. He brings expertise in customer support and relations and most recently worked at UPMC Passavant in patient/customer services.
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