This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

CINAHL Users – Make the Transition to EBSCO

EBSCOHostAs of January 2009, CINAHL, the premier nursing and allied health bibliographic database, will be available only through the EBSCOhost search interface. Though the look and “feel” of the EBSCOhost interface is different from that of CINAHL’s current interface, Ovid, users will continue to have access to CINAHL’s familiar search tools. Below is a table listing the names (and functions) of selected search tools available in Ovid CINAHL, and their equivalents in EBSCOhost CINAHL.

To access CINAHL EBSCOhost, go to the HSLS home page. Type “CINAHL” into the search.HSLS text box and click on the Search button. At the top of your search results, find the HSLS Electronic Resources box – it will contain a link that takes you to EBSCOhost CINAHL.




Map term to subject heading

Find a CINAHL subject heading

Suggest subject terms


Expands a subject heading search to include more specific related subject headings



Limits search to records where the subject heading is a major focus of the article

Major concept


A brief definition of a subject heading



Limits search to records where the subject heading includes a chosen qualifier

Qualify subheadings


Limit results by publication date, language, etc.

Revise/Refine search

Search History

Displays all completed searches

Search History/Alerts

Results Manager

Print, email, save or export search results

Add to Folder

Saved Searches, Auto-alert (using Ovid account)

Save searches online for use at a later time

Saved Searches, Search Alerts, Journal Alerts (using ESCBOhost account)

If you would like additional tips on using CINAHL EBSCOhost, consider attending our new class “Transitioning to EBSCO CINAHL”.

~ Mary Lou Klem

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

PubMed Update for Dummies

Have you noticed the changes in PubMed? Below are several brief descriptions of these changes to help PubMed users optimize search results.

Full-Text Links


A new icon, visible in the Citation, Abstract, and AbstractPlus views, appears within PubMed to navigate users quickly to the full-text of an article. Clicking on the icon labeled “Links @ Pitt-UPMC” opens a new window including a link to the online full-text when available. If an online full-text version is not available links to PittCat or Document Delivery will appear. These links will allow users to search for a print version or order a copy of the article. Remember to access PubMed from the HSLS home page for these links to be visible.

Advanced Search (beta)


A beta Advanced Search was recently released as an option to search PubMed. According to, beta is defined as “a development status given to a program or application that contains most of the major features, but is not yet complete. …”

Try this new option by clicking on the Advanced Search link next to the existing search box. Comments can be sent to NCBI via the “Write to the Help Desk” link at the bottom of the Advanced Search screen. Based on users’ comments and feedback, the effectiveness of the Advanced Search beta site will be evaluated. Read the NLM Technical Bulletin for more information.

Automatic Term Mapping

Automatic term mapping (ATM) is the “magic” that occurs behind the scenes of PubMed. Keywords typed into the search box are translated by ATM into statements designed to retrieve the most relevant citations. The way ATM translates has been enhanced so users can retrieve a known citation more easily. Read the NLM Technical Bulletin for more information.

Citation Sensor

Citation Sensor recognizes combinations of search terms that are characteristic of citation searching (volume/issue numbers, author names, journal titles, and publication dates). If search terms entered by the user invoke the Citation Sensor, a yellow box will appear at the top of the result list.


Title Sort

Title has been added to the PubMed Sort By menu. Users may now sort citations by publication date, first or last author, journal title, or article title.


~ Mary Jo Dorsey

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Having Trouble Linking to Full-Text?

You found the citation to that perfect article but are having problems linking to the full-text. Commonly asked questions regarding full-text retrieval are answered below.

The journal I need was not listed on the HSLS E-Journal list. Does this mean I don’t have access to it? Not necessarily. This list contains e-journal subscriptions licensed by HSLS or jointly by HSLS and the University Library System (ULS) as well as selected free resources. ULS also has subscriptions to other e-journals that can be accessed by Pitt and UPMC affiliated users. A print copy of the journal may also be available. Always consult PITTCat to determine if access to a journal is available.

The PubMed full-text link is not working. Does this mean I do not have access to this journal? Not necessarily. Always consult PITTCat to determine if access to a journal is available. Report broken links to a HSLS Technical Services librarian.

How do I use PITTCat to determine if I have access to a journal?
• Click on the PITTCat link from the HSLS home page
• Type the title of the journal into the Search Term box
• In the Search Type box select the option “Journal Title Begins with”
• Click the Search button


• Results of the PITTCat search will show if the journal is available at any Pitt library in electronic or print format


Click on the full title link of the journal to display years available in print or to access the electronic version

In PITTCat I received the message “PITTCat found no records that matched your search” or Pitt does not have access to the volume or year of the journal I need. Now what? Copies of articles can be ordered by faculty, students and staff of the University of Pittsburgh schools of the health sciences and UPMC employees through the HSLS document delivery service. There is a $3.50 charge for each article ordered. Rush and priority delivery are also available at a higher rate.

~ Melissa Ratajeski

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Falk Library Goes Green

GreenHave you ever felt guilty about printing your lengthy PowerPoint presentation to proofread it? You won’t have to feel as culpable any longer. As of June 2008, Falk Library’s Computer and Media Center (CMC) is offering double-sided printing.

Print jobs will still be sent through the Pharos interface which has been the standard for years; however, the option for double-sided printing will now be available for any multi-page black/white document.

To print a document on the duplex printer:
– Select a printer
– Click on either the Properties or Preferences button
– A window will appear listing options for single or double sided printing. Choose Two-sided (Duplex) Printing and click Ok.


– After clicking Ok, you will return to the main print screen. Click Ok or Print to send your print job to the printer.

This printing option is made possible by a new HP black-and-white printer that is more efficient. It also benefits the environment by cutting paper usage in half.

~ Samuel Lewis

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Schedule of Classes September-October 2008

ClassesHSLS offers library orientations and classes on database searching, software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, bibliographic management, molecular biology and genetics. For more information visit the online course descriptions.

Classes are held on the first floor of Falk Library (200 Scaife Hall) in classroom 1 and conference room B, and on the second floor in the Computer and Media Center classroom 2. Some classes are also held at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) Library classroom.

Class schedules are subject to change. Please consult the online class calendar for the most current information.

All classes are open to faculty, staff and students of the schools of the health sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC. No registration is required. Seating for classes is first-come, first-served, until the class is full. Classes marked with an asterisk (*) qualify for American Medical Association Category 2 continuing education credit.


Introduction to HSLS Resources and Services at Falk Library
(Meet inside entrance to Library)
Thursday, September 11 1-2 p.m.
Also offered upon request to groups or individuals. Call 412-648-8796.

Introduction to HSLS Resources and Services at WPIC Library
(Meet inside entrance to Library)
Thursday, September 25 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Also offered upon request to groups or individuals. Call 412-246-5507.


PubMed Basics* (Falk Library Classroom 1)
Wednesday, September 10 9-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, September 24 10-11:30 a.m.
Thursday, October 23 10-11:30 a.m.

Transitioning to Ebsco CINAHL* (Falk Library Classroom 1)
Monday, September 8 9-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, October 8 10:30 a.m.-noon

Searching PsycINFO* (WPIC Library Classroom)
Tuesday, October 14 9:30-11 a.m.

Measuring Health: Finding Mental Measurement Tools*(WPIC Library Classroom)
Monday, September 15 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.


Genetic Information Resources* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, September 10 1-3 p.m.

Protein Information Resources* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, September 17 1-3 p.m.

Genome Information Resources* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, September 24 1-3 p.m.

Vector NTI Advance* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, October 1 1-3 p.m.

Pathway Analysis Tools* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, October 8 1-3 p.m.

Sequence Similarity Searching* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, October 22 1-3 p.m.

Genetic Variation Resources* (Falk Library Conference Room B)
Wednesday, October 29 1-3 p.m.


EndNote Basics (Falk Library Classroom 2)
(Note: This class is usually full. Please arrive 15 minutes in advance to ensure seating.)
Tuesday, September 9 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Friday, September 26 10 a.m.-noon
Monday, October 13 10 a.m.-noon
Thursday, October 23 1-3 p.m.

Adobe Photoshop for Beginners
Thursday, September 4 10 a.m.-noon (Falk Library Classroom 2)
Thursday, September 18 10 a.m.-noon (WPIC Library Classroom)
Thursday, October 16 10 a.m.-noon (Falk Library Classroom 2)

Advanced PowerPoint for Presentations
Thursday, September 25 10 a.m.-noon

PowerPoint for Beginners and Advanced PowerPoint (Falk Library Classroom 2)
Thursday, October 30 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

The WOW Factor: PowerPoint for Posters
Tuesday, October 7 10-11:30 a.m. (WPIC Library Classroom)
Tuesday, October 21 10-11:30 a.m. (Falk Library Classroom 2)


These informal, brown-bag lunches are held in Falk Library Conference Room B. Bring your own lunch. Drinks and dessert are provided. For more information visit the online descriptions.

A Wealth of (Information) Treasures Awaits You: Navigating the HSLS Web Site
Tuesday, September 9 Noon-1 p.m.

Customize Google to Work for You
Monday, September 22 Noon-1 p.m.

Tools for Quick Searching
Tuesday, October 7 Noon-1 p.m.

The Nuts and Bolts of Publishing an Article: Resources & Strategies for Aspiring Authors
Tuesday, October 21 Noon-1 p.m.


Customized classes can be developed for your department, course, or other group.

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS Staff News

The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS conference presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.


Leslie Czechowski has been appointed to the position of HSLS assistant director for Collections and Technical Services. In this position, she has oversight of acquisitions, collection development, cataloging and serials management for all HSLS libraries. Czechowski has earned masters degrees from the University of Iowa and the University of Minnesota. She has worked at HSLS since August 2005, first as manuscripts librarian, then as collection librarian, and most recently as head of Collection Services.

Barbara Epstein, HSLS director, was appointed to the Ad Hoc Committee for Advocating Scholarly Communication of the Medical Library Association.

Carrie Iwema, information specialist in Molecular Biology, was elected to the University of Pittsburgh’s Faculty Senate Budget Policies Committee for a three-year term.

Sean King has been promoted to catalog specialist. He will perform Library of Congress/National Library of Medicine copy cataloging for new materials in all formats, with special emphasis on electronic resources. King began working in Falk Library in 1995.

John LaDue has been appointed as HSLS knowledge integration librarian. His responsibilities include planning and implementation of systems to improve information access for library users and/or streamline workflow for library staff. Specific responsibilities include development and management of Web programs, as well as database and Web server design and administration. LaDue has been at HSLS since 2005, first as a computer and media specialist and then as lead developer. He earned an MLIS degree from Pitt in April 2008.

The following presentation was awarded the MLA Research Award’s second place at the Medical Library Association’s Annual Conference this past May: Ahlam Saleh, reference librarian, “The Influence of an EBM Focused Morning Report on Resident Physician use of MEDLINE and UpToDate”. Co-authors were Nancy Tannery, associate director for User Services, Charlie Wessel, coordinator of Affiliated Hospital Services, Scott Herrle1, Bruce Lee1,2, Megan Cunnane1, Rosanne Granieri1, Elizabeth Weinstein3, and Raquel Buranosky1.

1 Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
2 Center for Research on Health Care, University of Pittsburgh
3 Section of Palliative Care and Medical Ethics, Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh

Mike Yaklich has been promoted to serials manager. His responsibilities include management of print and electronic journal subscriptions for all HSLS libraries. In this position, he processes orders and annual renewals for serials and other electronic resources, and works with serials vendors to resolve problems and billing errors. Yaklich will celebrate his 20th anniversary at Falk Library later this year.


Leslie Czechowski, assistant director for Collections and Technical Services, “Tales from the Shoulders of Giants: Collaborative Implementation of Encoded Archival Description at the University of Minnesota Libraries”, Journal of Archival Organization, 5(3): 9-29, 2007. Czechowski’s co-author was Lara Friedman-Shedlov, special projects archivist, Kautz Family YMCA Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries.

John Erlen, history of medicine librarian, published “Recent Dissertations in the History of Medicine” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 63(2): 289-94, 2008, “Recent Dissertations in the History of Medicine” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 63(3): 411-18, 2008, and “Recent Dissertations in (or near) the History of Technology” on the Web log, May 28, 2008.

Carrie Iwema, information specialist in Molecular Biology, “Faculty of 1000[review]”, Journal of the Medical Library Association, 96(3): 278-9, July 2008.

Melissa Ratajeski, reference librarian, “Internet Resources for the 3Rs”, Tech Talk: the Newsletter for Laboratory Animal Science Technicians, 13(3): 5, June 2008.


Barbara Epstein, HSLS director, presented a talk “Open Access and the New NIH Mandate” at West Virginia University on April 25, 2008.

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

CINAHL is Moving to EBSCOhost

Beginning in January 2009, CINAHL will be available exclusively through the EBSCOhost search interface – it will no longer be accessible via OVID. Here are some tips for making the transition.

Finding CINAHL EBSCOhost:
On the HSLS homepage, type “CINAHL” into the search.HSLS box and click search. At the top of your search results, look for the HSLS Electronic Resources box – it will contain a link that takes you to CINAHL EBSCOhost.

While the EBSCOhost search interface definitely has a different look and feel, you will still have access to all the CINAHL search tools available in OVID. When you first open CINAHL EBSCOhost, you will be sent to the Advanced Search interface. In this interface, you can map your search terms to subject headings, focus or explode the subject headings you choose, and use boolean operators to create complex search statements.

Once you have completed an initial search, a Refine Search tab or link will allow you to place limits (publication years, article type, article language) on your results.


If you create an EBSCOhost user account, you can save searches online and create auto-alerts (searches that are periodically re-run and sent to you). To find the full-text of articles, look for full-text links within the CINAHL records or use PittCat for the Health Sciences to run journal title searches on the citations of interest.


More help with CINAHL EBSCOhost:
If you would like additional tips on using CINAHL EBSCOhost, consider attending our new class “Transitioning to EBSCO CINAHL”. This class will include practice with the EBSCOhost search interface, using familiar search tools such as subject heading mapping, exploding, and focusing. Current users of Ovid CINAHL will find this class especially helpful.

~ Mary Lou Klem

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

HSLS CME Opportunities

Continuing medical education (CME) opportunities are available in many HSLS resources, including MDConsult and AccessSurgery, as well as many electronic journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine or Journal of the American Medical Association.

Some CME opportunities are offered free of charge through HSLS subscriptions while others are fee-based. All CME opportunities require you to register or login by creating an account.

Links to the CME Resources listed below can be found in the How Do I? Which HSLS Resources contain CME opportunities?

Free CME resources available through HSLS subscriptions:
• AccessSurgery: Surgical Education – ACGME Core Competencies
• AccessMedicine: Harrison’s Grand Rounds Lectures
• CardioSourcePlus: CME for Physicians
• MDConsult’s: Clinical Cornerstone, a bi-monthly CME journal. The articles are designed to provide cutting-edge developments to the primary care practitioner. Users can print the CME test form and return by fax or mail for ACCME Category One credit.
• MDConsult’s Cyberounds: interactive grand rounds moderated by academics, for physicians, medical students, and other health professionals. Free CME credits are available for the first five conferences submitted. New presentations are added monthly and previous conferences are archived.
• Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, CE Online, for physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, dieticians and others.
NCME-TV: a Web-based series of streaming CME videos. Complete the evaluation form that includes a self-assessment quiz and mail or fax to NCME-TV to earn your CE credit.

HSLS Fee-based CME resources:
New England Journal of Medicine’s CME
JAMA and Archives Continuing Medical Education
• ExamMaster
• The Medical Letter CME Program

For more information on CME opportunities in HSLS resources, please contact the Falk Library reference desk at 412-648-8796 or Ask A Librarian.

~ Charlie Wessel

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Director’s Reflections…Does Anyone Still Come to the Library?

EpsteinI often encounter faculty members, researchers, and others who lament the fact that they rarely visit the library in person anymore, even though they are frequent users of our services and resources. There are lots of good reasons for this: schedules are crowded, offices are distant, or the weather is inclement. The most important explanation, of course, is that we’ve done such a good job of bringing the library to our users through licensed electronic journals and databases that users can find almost anything online. So is the library empty and deserted? Not at all!

The library is still a hub of activity. In 2006-07, the number of persons physically entering HSLS libraries rose to 512,236, up 9% from the previous year’s total of 469,996. We circulated 35,077 books. Librarians and information specialists taught 596 education sessions, attended by 8,216 people.

Students, post-docs, residents, and even a few faculty members and attending physicians spread out study materials on open tables or isolated carrels for a few hours of uninterrupted quiet time. They bring their own laptop to connect to the wireless network, borrow one of ours, or use other advanced technology in HSLS library computing facilities.

Lab GSR Library
The group study rooms in Falk Library continue as popular meeting areas. Each of these four rooms is equipped with a large wall-mounted display monitor to use with personal or library laptop computers. From May 2007 to May 2008, there were a total of 1,781 bookings, and 5,745 hours of use.

We continue to review space usage in each HSLS library. Books that have not circulated and older journals are being removed to storage. Articles from journals in storage can be delivered to users electronically within one working day, and books can be sent to any library within the same time period.

In the coming year, Falk Library’s Rare Book Room will be renovated with new climate controls and lighting to protect these fragile materials from deterioration. In UPMC Shadyside’s library, a new conference room will be constructed for library instruction and use by other hospital groups. Planning for general upgrades in WPIC Library will begin shortly. Finally, we look forward to moving the Children’s Hospital Libraries into the new hospital under construction in Lawrenceville.

So come visit us and spend some time in an HSLS library – you won’t be lonely!

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Scopus Adds Feature for Batch Downloading of Online Articles

ScopusScopus, an interdisciplinary database, recently added a Document Download Manager to automatically download and save the full-text of articles, with the click of a button. This new feature will save users valuable time.

Rather than clicking on the “Pitt-UPMC Full Text” icon for each article, simply place a check mark next to the citations and click the “download” button. Articles available through HSLS subscriptions or open access will automatically be retrieved and saved to your computer.


Scopus covers “more than 15,000 peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, medicine, and social sciences” and includes citation information for resources such as conference proceedings, trade publications, book series, and patents.

Other noteworthy features of Scopus include:

Cited reference searching: shows the number of times (with citation) an article was cited since 1996, by journals included in the Scopus database.
Scirus: Scopus simultaneously searches, through Scirus, “scientific Web resources” including researcher homepages, university sites, and pre-print server material.
Alerts and RSS feeds can be created so that researchers can stay up-to-date on a topic or receive notification when an article has been cited.

To access this resource, type “Scopus” into the search.HSLS box on the HSLS homepage. For more information or assistance with searching, contact a reference librarian or view the Scopus tutorial page.

~ Melissa Ratajeski

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

PubMed Changes

PubMed users will notice several recent changes in the search interface, including new HSLS full-text links and the inclusion of PubMed Central ID numbers, needed by researchers adhering to the NIH Public Access Policy.

Full-Text Links
New icons, visible in the Citation, Abstract, and AbstractPlus views, appear within PubMed to indicate HSLS holdings. These icons replace the darker purple ones that users may have become accustomed to in past years.

FullTextClick on this icon to access the full-text online version of articles that HSLS licenses.

PrintIf online access is not available, users can click on the HSLS In Print icon to check if HSLS has the article in print. The specific library location (ie: Falk or WPIC) will not be stated, however. This information can be determined by clicking the Library Catalog link at the bottom of the LinkOut screen and completing a search for the journal title in PITTCat.

PubMed Central ID (PMCID) Numbers
As of May 25, 2008, NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports must include the PMCID number when citing an article that falls under the policy and is authored or co-authored by the investigator, or arose from the investigator’s NIH award.
This PMCID appears in the AbstractPlus, Abstract, and Citation views of PubMed. Note that this number is different than the PMID number. Visit the technical bulletin for more information.

Study Collaborators Included in MEDLINE/PubMed
Beginning in March 2008, individual names, associated with group authors, are included in MEDLINE/PubMed as collaborators. This allows PubMed users to identify articles to which an individual has contributed, whether as author or as collaborator.

My NCBI Collections added to PubMed Send to Menu
My NCBI Collections is now available as a selection under PubMed results Send to menu. Sending results to a Collection was previously only available from the Clipboard. Selecting Send to Collections will display a pop-up box where users can either create a new collection or append an existing one. Note an NCBI account is required to save citations.

~ Mary Jo Dorsey

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Looking for Graphics?

Looking for graphics to enhance educational material for health sciences classes and presentations? HSLS has numerous options to assist you.

Online Resources available through HSLS:
Images.MD: the online encyclopedia of medical images compiles over 70,000 high-quality internal medicine images, all derived from Current Medicine Group LLC’s series of illustrated atlases. Each image is accompanied by detailed and informative text written by over 2,000 contributing experts.
AccessMedicine: includes a search limit to quickly locate and download images, audio, and video. an online multimedia tool that includes 3-D human anatomy images based on the Primal CD-Rom titles. Topics include interactive graphics of the hand and knee.

CD ROMs available through the Computer and Media Center (CMC) at Falk Library:
The Medical Images Library: features over 12,000 photo clip art images illustrating a wide array of diseases, medical treatments, and healthcare practices.
D.I.G.-IT!: features 3D illustrated images, along with animated files. The images have been categorized within directories for all areas of the body.
MedArt-A&P: provides 2D and 3D anatomical drawings and diagrams for use in presentations.

Free Online Resources
Wellcome Images: contains both medical and non-medical graphics, however clinical images are only available to registered users; registration is free.
HEAL: a free registration is required to access the media.
Images from the History of Medicine: is produced by the National Library of Medicine. Works digitized include prints, lithographs, engravings, etchings, woodcarvings, and paintings.
HONmedia: is a unique repository of over 6,800 medical images and videos, pertaining to 1,700 topics and themes compiled by the Health on the Net Foundation.
Whole Brain Atlas: includes still pictures and multimedia files of the brain.
DermAtlas: from Johns Hopkins University; users can search by categories, diagnoses, or body site.
Public Health Image Library: from the CDC; provides high quality images of people, places, and science related to the public’s health.

For further information about using images, visit the CMC or call 412-648-9109.

(Note: The use of these graphics may be protected by copyright rules and regulations for ascribing credit. Please check the individual software or Web site for details.)

~ Fran Yarger

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

The Pan American Health Organization E-Collection

The HSLS online collection now includes a group of e-books from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). This collection is a valuable tool for those who need rapid, direct access to accurate, up-to-date information about the field of public health.

Who would use these books?
This collection is a valuable reference tool for:
• Decision makers in health
• Public health and medical professionals and students
• Scientific researchers
• All others interested in the potential contributions of human health to socioeconomic development and well-being.

What books are included in the collection?
A few of the books included in the collection are:
• the annual PAHO publication, Health in the Americas”, that offers an updated, comprehensive presentation of the health situation throughout the hemisphere
• the statistical analysis, “Health Statistics from the Americas”
• anthologies relating to disasters, health promotion, epidemiology
• books on current topics such as vaccines, obesity, and violence against women

The collection, already diverse in its offerings, will continue to expand over time. Links to the books are available through the IngentaConnect Web Site, if you are connected to the Pitt computer network. Users accessing the collection remotely can type “Pan American Health Organization” into the search.HSLS box on the HSLS homepage. Access links to specific titles will be provided under the electronic resource tab on the left.

~ Leslie Czechowski

This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

National Disaster Information Readily Available

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has recently created the Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC). DIMRC utilizes the vast resources of library networks to collect, organize and disseminate health information and informatics research related to natural, accidental, or other disasters.

DIMRC is committed to providing health information during times of disaster and works in conjunction with federal, state, and local governments, as well as private organizations and local communities.

Resources available through DIMRC include:
• Disaster preparedness and response Web links
• Disaster and emergency response tools: Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) and Radiation Event Medical Management (REMM)
• Toxicology and environmental health resources such as Hazardous Substances Databank

Associated NLM research activities include:
• Developing emergency information centers within NLM and NN/LM libraries, using disaster information specialist librarians to work with local emergency responder networks.
• Education and training in Web 2.0 applications as communication mechanisms
• Support of surveillance research technologies

~ Carolyn Biglow