MD Consult: E-Books and More

MD Consult is a collection of electronic resources from Elsevier, the medical and scientific publisher, providing access to over 80 e-books in specialties including cardiology, emergency medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, pathology, and surgery. Numerous “classics” in the medical literature are included:

  • Miller’s Anesthesia
  • Braunwald’s Heart Disease
  • Pathways of the Pulp
  • Williams Textbook of Endocrinology
  • Sleisenger and Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease
  • Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney

HSLS’s subscription provides access to new editions when they become available, so the content is always current.

MD Consult also offers a variety of other full-text materials available from the same site: over 50 noted e-journals, 35 Clinics, and an Images site that contains over 50,000 high-quality medical images from the MD Consult books that may be used for personal, non-commercial use. See MD Consult’s Terms and Conditions for further information about copyrights and limitations on use.

Two other notable sections are “Guidelines and Patient Education.” The Guidelines section includes links to full-text clinical practice guideline articles published in MD Consult journals, plus links to additional full-text guidelines from professional and government agencies available on the Web. “Patient Education” contains more than 13,000 patient education handouts that can be printed and distributed to patients. Most are written at a 6th- to 8th-grade reading level; Spanish versions are available for approximately 75% of topics. The guidelines can be customized by physicians to provide additional instructions and contact information on each handout.

To access this comprehensive online information resource, type MD Consult in the Pitt Resources Quick Search box or in PITTCat for the Health Sciences.

To access individual MD Consult e-books:

Portions of this article are reprinted from the MD Consult Web site.

~ Leslie Czechowski