The new Micromedex app provides Drug Reference summary, NeoFax and Pediatric reference, IV Compatibility, and Drug Interactions information along with a set of clinical calculators and access to the Micromedex Assistant.
Specifically designed for phone and tablet use, this app combines features of five previously available apps into one unified interface. Download the app from the Google Play Store or App Store. Access is provided through an activation process that verifies subscription access via the Pitt or UPMC network. Content in the app is updated through an automated process, letting you focus on finding and using reliable and current information.
Ready to take a look? Visit the Micromedex Training Center for videos of the app activation process and tutorial of the new features.
HSLS regularly reviews apps so that you are referencing the most up-to-date features and information about the Micromedex app as well as other mobile apps for HSLS resources on the Mobile Apps Guide. Please contact Ask a Librarian with any questions.
~Julia Dahm