Advancing All of Us Research with Streamlined Code Templates

The HSLS Molecular Biology Information Service (MBIS) is excited to introduce our easy-to-use code templates for the All of Us Research Hub, which holds diverse health data from underrepresented communities across the U.S.

The Condition Association Template

Our first publicly available template is designed to explore relationships between two health conditions and can be tailored for binary outcome analyses by experienced researchers. We’ve designed our template to be helpful for every researcher, no matter their experience with coding. Only minimal changes need to be made to the template for it to run. Furthermore, to accommodate various preferences, each template is available in both Python and R. The template is now available on GitHub and Google Drive. Please consult the provided instructional PDF for guidance on using it in the All of Us Researcher Workbench!

Examples of Code Template Output Using All of Us Data

Screenshot of bar graphs created in the template.
Figure 1: Proportion of sex at birth for those with and without Atopic Dermatitis.


Screenshot of a table created in the template.
Table 1: The odds of having Atopic Dermatitis are 4.54 times higher for those with Chronic Sinusitis compared to those without Chronic Sinusitis when adjusting for age, sex, race, and ethnicity.

Exciting Developments on the Horizon

Soon, we expect to release the Drug Efficacy Template and Drug Side Effects Template, further enhancing our repertoire of research tools. Stay connected with HSLS MBIS as we attempt to make complex data analysis more approachable in the All of Us database.

If you have any questions, reach out to Alexis Cenname ( for more information.

~Alexis Cenname