This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

New Data Repository Option for NIH Researchers: NIH Figshare

In July 2019, NIH and Figshare announced the one-year pilot launch of a general data repository for all NIH-funded researchers: NIH Figshare. This repository makes datasets resulting from NIH-funded research accessible by providing a way for NIH researchers to meet data sharing requirements of grants, journals, or institutions when a subject-specific repository is not an option. As stated in the repository’s FAQs:

Figshare is not designed to replace any existing NIH-related repository. For NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) with existing repositories, Figshare is a supplemental option for any data that may not fit in an existing repository.

Some important notes:

  • There are no fees to deposit data into NIH Figshare.
  • Each dataset uploaded will receive a persistent DOI (Digital Object Identifier), allowing for proper attribution and tracking of impact metrics.
  • Large and/or many files can be uploaded with ease through Figshare’s desktop uploader or API.
  • Each user has a storage quota limit of 100GB, however more storage can be requested by clicking on the “Request more storage” button at the top of your “My data” page.
  • An embargo period can be placed on uploaded datasets.
  • Review of all submitted data will ensure there is no personally identifiable information in the data and metadata prior to being published and made discoverable.
  • Anything uploaded to the repository will be maintained past the yearlong pilot.

Librarians from the HSLS Data Services team are available to consult with any researcher that may have questions about this new repository or need help preparing their data for deposit. Please contact us at

~Melissa Ratajeski