This information is over 2 years old.
Information was current at time of publication.

What’s New with Zotero?

In March, the free citation manager Zotero released its latest update—Zotero 6. If you are new to Zotero, then this is the version you will download from; if you already have Zotero on your computer, you will want to update it soon. Simply open Zotero on your desktop, and then go to “Edit” – “Check for Updates…” and follow the on-screen instructions to update to Zotero 6. Once you have updated to Zotero 6, you will also need to reinstall the Microsoft Word add-in. This can be done by opening Zotero again, going to “Edit” – “Preferences” – “Cite” – “Word Processors,” and then clicking on “Reinstall Microsoft Word Add-in.”

The largest change from previous versions of Zotero is the addition of a built-in PDF reader. Users will now be able to read and annotate PDFs without leaving Zotero. For more information on the update, check out the Zotero blog or view the complete changelog to see everything that is different between Zotero 5 and Zotero 6.

But Zotero didn’t stop at releasing an update in March! They also officially launched their long-awaited iOS app for the iPad and iPhone. The Zotero for iOS app is available for download in the App Store. The HSLS Zotero mobile app guide contains detailed instructions for using the app version of Zotero. While the mobile app is great to have, it does not include all of the features of the desktop version and should not be viewed as a replacement for the complete desktop program.

In order to sync your Zotero library between your desktop and the app, you will need to register for a free online account with Zotero if you haven’t already done so, and then sync both the desktop and mobile versions with your web library. The iOS app also features a built-in PDF reader, allowing you to sync your annotations across devices.

If you have any questions about these new releases or other matters related to Zotero, please contact Rachel Suppok.

~Rachel Suppok