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Information was current at time of publication.

Celebrating Love Data Week 2021

Love Data Week is February 8-12, 2021. #LoveDataPghThe week of February 8-12, 2021, is Love Data Week, an international event designed to raise awareness about research data management, sharing, preservation, and—most importantly—how we can help you. To celebrate, HSLS Data Services will be hosting a variety of workshops and giveaways, and engaging with the community via social media.


The HSLS classes offered during Love Data Week (online synchronous via Zoom) are listed below. Every class attendee will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a gift card (mailed to winner). The more classes you attend, the more chances you have.

Note: Zoom links will be sent upon registration (also available at the above class links).


Share with us your data-sharing stories for another chance to win a gift card (mailed to winner). If you have shared your research data in the past, let us know what benefits or unforeseen outcomes you have experienced. Online submissions will have a chance to win a gift card. Success and/or horror stories may be shared anonymously in future HSLS Update newsletter articles.

Other happenings

Be sure to follow HSLS on Twitter (@HSLSPitt), Instagram (@HSLSPitt), and Facebook (@PittHSLS) for Love Data Week updates, including highlights of datasets that are included in the Pitt Data Catalog such as Dr. Toan Ha’s COVID-19 survey data.

HSLS has also partnered with ULS Digital Scholarship Services and CMU Libraries Data Services to cross-promote workshops and presentations offered this week by each library system at the Love Data Week Pgh Website. Registration is open to all from University of Pittsburgh or Carnegie Mellon. In addition, we will be engaging with each other and the community using the hashtag #LoveDataPgh.

As always, HSLS Data Services is available to offer support, consultations, and customized trainings on topics such as writing a data management plan (DMP) or organizing and describing your research data. Contact us at

~Melissa Ratajeski