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Information was current at time of publication.

The New PittCat

The new version of PittCat, a collaboration between HSLS, the University Library System, and Barco Law Library, has launched! You can access PittCat from the Pitt Resources box on the HSLS homepage, and search library holdings across all three library systems. No matter what you’re searching for, you can filter your results by resource type, language, availability, and more. When searching for books or journals in PittCat, you can take advantage of the new “Virtual Browse” feature to see similar titles.

Related medical reference books with titles and years listed

Logging in with your Pitt account username and password while using PittCat will provide you with information on your loans and any pending requests. If you’re logged in, you can also pin favorites to your account and see your search history. Other features include PittCat’s ability to generate complete citations or, alternatively, to send citation information directly to your citation manager.

To get started, watch these brief tutorials.

If you have any questions about using the new PittCat, Ask a Librarian.

~Rebekah Miller