On April 3, 2019, we welcome Dr. Greg Dunn of Greg Dunn Design as he visits HSLS to kick off an exhibit of his artwork fusing neuroscience with painting and lithography. Art on the Brain is an exhibit of six prints that beautifully illustrate the inner workings of our mind and senses.
Please join us for these special events on April 3:
2–2:45 p.m. Opening reception at Falk Library Upper Floor exhibit area
3–4 p.m. Lecture in Scaife Hall Lecture Room 1
The opening reception for the exhibit will allow visitors to experience the artwork in this exhibit and interact with Dr. Dunn. Light refreshments will be served.
Following the reception, Dr. Dunn will deliver his lecture titled, “Self Reflected: Deeply Fusing Art and Science to Create the World’s Most Complex Artistic Depiction of the Human Brain.”
Dr. Greg Dunn (artist and neuroscientist) and Dr. Brian Edwards (artist and applied physicist) created Self Reflected to reveal insight into the complexity of human consciousness by revolutionizing the way in which the average person thinks about the brain. Self Reflected bridges the visual and conceptual connection between the macroscopic brain and the microscopic behavior of neurons by fusing neuroscientific data, hand drawings, algorithmic manipulation, optical engineering, photolithography, and gilding to etch half a million neurons into large sheets of gold. The result, a technique called reflective microetching, uses animations created through reflected light to create an ultraprecise depiction of the enormous scope of beautiful and delicately balanced neural choreographies designed to reflect what is occurring in our own minds as we observe this work of art. Self Reflected was created to remind us all that the most marvelous machine in the known universe is at the core of our being and is the root of our shared humanity.
Visitors from across campus and throughout the Pittsburgh region are invited to attend this free afternoon event and lecture. The bridge between science and art can be appreciated from across disciplines and extends to anyone with an appreciation for beautiful and meaningful artwork.
Art on the Brain will be on exhibit at Falk Library from March 25 through May 31, 2019. In addition to the featured artwork, visitors are encouraged to view stunning imagery on display by Pitt’s own Center for Biologic Imaging Department. In conjunction with the exhibit, creative relaxation stations will give students and professionals alike the opportunity to reframe their state of mind. Try out our artful apps and jigsaw puzzles, or compete for best coloring page to win a cool neural-themed prize.
~Julia Dahm