The HSLS Staff News section includes recent HSLS presentations, publications, staff changes, staff promotions, degrees earned, etc.
All author names in bold are HSLS-affiliated.
J. Donovan, T. Chung, M. Klein-Fedyshin, Research & Clinical Instruction Librarian, published “A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Parental Drinking and Adolescent Drinking” in PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, 2019: CRD42019119545.
B. Fields, R.L. Turner, Coordinator of Liaison Services, M. Naidu, et al., published “Assessments for Caregivers of Hospitalized Older Adults” in Clinical Nursing Research, 2018: 1-21.
J.T. Hanlon, S. Perera, P.J. Drinka, C.J. Crnich, S.J. Schweon, M. Klein-Fedyshin, Research and Clinical Instruction Librarian, C.B. Wessel, Head of Research Initiatives, et al., published “The IOU Consensus Recommendations for Empirical Therapy of Cystitis in Nursing Home Residents” in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, December 24, 2018.
Congratulations to HSLS staff members Paul Galvanek, HSLS Technology Support Manager, and Mike Yaklich, Acquisitions Specialist, who recently received University of Pittsburgh staff recognition awards for 30 years of service.