This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Celebrating Love Data Week 2019

Celecrate iwth HSLS 2/11-2/15 #LoveDataWeek The week of February 11–15, 2019, is Love Data Week. To celebrate, HSLS Data Services will be hosting a variety of activities, workshops, and giveaways throughout the week. Stop by the library to engage with colleagues and librarians and learn best practices and tips for loving your data.

Workshops (registration required for all but Friday’s drop-in session):

Introduction to Tableau for Data Visualization, February 11, 9 a.m.–10 a.m.

Introduction to the Pitt Data Catalog, February 12, 2 p.m.–3 p.m.

Future Proof your Data: Planning for Reuse, February 13, 11 a.m.–noon

File Naming Best Practices (coffee provided), February 14, 10 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

Data Drop-In Session (snacks provided), February 15, 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.

Other happenings:

  • Share your data-sharing story

If you have shared your research data in the past, let us know what benefits or unforeseen outcomes you have experienced. Online submissions will have a chance to win a gift card.

  • Vent how data has broken your heart (or at least given you an arrhythmia)

Positioned throughout the library will be interactive white boards to capture what issues you might have had with your research data including lost or corrupt files.

  • Identify relevant datasets for your research

Watch the HSLS newsfeed for more highlights of datasets that are included in the Pitt Data Catalog like Dr. Horn’s software and 3D models.

  • Join the conversation: #lovedata2019

Practical tips, resources, and stories will be shared via Twitter by librarians, data specialists, and researchers from all over the world.

….and as always, HSLS Data Services is available to offer support, consultations, and customized trainings on topics such as writing a data management plan (DMP) or organizing and describing your research data. Stop in Falk Library to ask your question in person or e-mail us at

~ Melissa Ratajeski