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Information was current at time of publication.

Feedback Request: Draft NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing

In a follow-up to last year’s request for input on updates to its 2003 Data Sharing Policy, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is soliciting public feedback on a draft policy for data management and sharing activities related to public access and open science. Regarding the necessity of such a policy, the NIH states:

“Validation and progress in biomedical research—the cornerstone of developing new prevention strategies, treatments, and cures—is dependent on access to scientific data. Sharing scientific data helps validate research results, enables researchers to combine data types to strengthen analyses, facilitates reuse of hard to generate data or data from limited sources, and accelerates ideas for future research inquiries. Central to sharing scientific data is the recognized need to make data as available as possible while ensuring that the privacy and autonomy of research participants are respected, and that confidential/proprietary data are appropriately protected.”

The draft policy would apply to all NIH-funded or conducted research resulting in the generation of scientific data and requires:

  • A submission of a two-page or less Data Management and Sharing Plan outlining how scientific data will be managed and shared, taking into account any potential restrictions or limitations.
  • A prospective description of effective management and timely sharing of scientific data (as appropriate) and metadata.
  • Compliance with any supplemental requirements from individual NIH Institutes/Centers/Offices.

Supplemental draft guidance documents are also available for comment:

  • Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing: Costs that may be allowable under the budget for the proposed project: (1) curating data and developing supporting documentation; (2) preserving and sharing data through established repositories; and (3) local data management considerations.
  • Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan: A plan should describe: (1) data type; (2) related tools, software, and/or code; (3) standards; (4) data preservation, access, and associated timelines; (5) data sharing agreements, licenses, and other use limitations; and (6) oversight of data management.

HSLS will be live broadcasting the NIH informational webinar that will air on December 16, 2019. You’re invited to join the Webinar Viewing and Discussion: Draft NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy session from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at Falk Library.

Submit your feedback on the draft policy and guidance documents via the web portal by January 10, 2020.  The NIH Office of Science Policy has tips on best practices for public comments in this blog post.

~Carrie Iwema