This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

NEW Data Class Offerings

In our continuous effort to support your research needs, HSLS is offering four new classes this spring covering: (1) introduction to mapping, (2) Python through Jupyter, (3) beginning command line for bioinformatics, and (4) options for bioinformatics analysis. Class descriptions and registration links are listed below.

(1) Data 101: Introduction to Mapping 

Thursday, February 15, 2018, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.; Registration required

Mapping is a great way to visualize and analyze information—and to tell stories. In this introductory workshop, you’ll learn the principles of mapmaking, understand how computers are used to plot addresses on a map, conduct basic spatial analysis, and update records in a database based on location. Along with a deeper appreciation for computers, this class will provide you with a solid foundation of mapping concepts and processes, and get you prepared to take your first computer-based mapping class. No computers will be used in this class.

(2) Basic Python through Jupyter

Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 1 – 4 p.m.; Registration required*

Python is an interpreted programming language that is very easy for beginners to learn. In this workshop participants will use Jupyter Hub, an interactive interpreter, to run Python code on the Center for Research Computing (CRC) resources. Participants will learn basic Python syntax and powerful packages to explore their data through guided examples. Please bring your own laptop. 

*Note: In addition to registering for the class you must also sign up for a CRC HPC allocation.

(3) Beginning Command Line for Bioinformatics

Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 1 – 4 p.m.; Registration required*

This hands-on workshop teaches how to (1) use a text-based terminal to access a remote Unix machine (Center for Research Computing(CRC)- HTC Cluster), (2) use basic Unix commands for managing files and directories, and (3) access HTC Cluster-installed open source bioinformatics software packages such as STAR, HISAT, GATK, and Kallisto.

*Note: In addition to registering for the class you must also sign up for a CRC HPC allocation.

(4) Bioinformatics Data Analysis: Options 4 Rigor

Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 1 – 2 p.m.; Registration required

Do you have data that require bioinformatics analysis? Are you concerned about scientific rigor and reproducibility? Come learn about the “4 C’s” available to Pitt researchers: Core facilities, Collaboration with bioinformaticians, Coding, and Commercially-licensed tools. Make an informed decision on the best option(s) for your data needs.

Contact HSLS Data Services or the MolBio Information Service with questions or suggestions of classes you would like to see in the future (or even guest teach). We are also always looking for instructors to participate in our “How-To Talks by Postdocs” series.

~ Melissa Ratajeski