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Data Catalog Collaboration Project Wins a Distinguished Award

HSLS Pitt Data Catalog, a project by the Health Sciences Library SystemHSLS, along with academic health sciences libraries at NYU Langone Health, Duke University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Hofstra University, University of Maryland at Baltimore, University of Virginia, and Wayne State University, participates in the Data Catalog Collaboration Project (DCCP). The DCCP recently received an award from the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Great Team Science Contest. “One of the goals of the CTSAs is to promote team science through establishing mechanisms by which biomedical researchers can collaborate, be trained in why team science is important, and develop evaluation measures to assess teamwork in biomedical research contexts.” “One hundred seventy applications were submitted, and the DCCP received the highest score for the Top Importance category.”

As a participant in the DCCP, HSLS developed the Pitt Data Catalog, a tool that provides Pitt researchers with an easy way to make their datasets discoverable as well as to identify other usable data.

Congratulations to the DCCP!