This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.

Learn to Love Your Data

LYDW_2017_Heart_LogoThe week of February 13–17, 2017, is Love Your Data (LYD) week, a social media event designed to raise awareness about research data management, sharing, and preservation. This year’s theme is emphasizing data quality for researchers at any stage in their career. Each day of the week will focus on a different topic:

Monday Defining Data Quality: Define data quality, and the criteria for good (and bad) data.
Tuesday Documenting, Describing, Defining: Data documentation as a way to improve and manage data quality.
Wednesday Good Data Examples: Define and share examples of producing good and good enough data.
Thursday Finding the Right Data: Explain and share examples of finding and using good data.
Friday Rescuing Unloved Data: Describe techniques of caring for legacy data and existing data rescue initiatives.

Practical tips, resources, and stories will be shared via Twitter (#LYD17 or #loveyourdata) by librarians, data specialists, and researchers from all over the world. Join the conversation with your Pitt Librarians by following us at:

Health Sciences Library System (HSLS):

University Library System (ULS):

Special in-person and webinar classes will also be held by HSLS and ULS librarians throughout the week. Registration may be required. Classes offer by HSLS at Falk Library include:

  • “Data Visualization for Beginners” – February 13 at 10 a.m.
  • “You do WHAT with your Data?” – February 14 at 10 a.m.
  • “Future Proof your Data: Planning for Reuse” – February 15 at 3 p.m.
  • “Crafting a Data Management Plan (webinar)” – February 17 at noon

 ~ Melissa Ratajeski