On March 6, Kate Flewelling became the new Executive Director of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region (NNLM MAR). Kate brings a wealth of applicable experience to her new position. She formerly served as MAR’s Health Professions Coordinator and prior to that as Outreach Coordinator. In her position as the MAR Health Professions Coordinator, Kate coordinated outreach to health professionals and public health workers with limited access to health information resources. In particular, she promoted free health-related resources made available by the federal government.
Kate sees her primary role as MAR’s Executive Director as providing day-to-day leadership and coordinating MAR programs throughout the four state region, including Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Kate recognizes an ongoing need to provide health information to support the public’s health and plans to accomplish that by building partnerships with all types of organizations. She is looking forward to working with the MAR staff and Network members.
After earning her BA in History from Mt. Holyoke in 2000, Kate worked as a middle school teacher in Maine for three years before beginning work on her MLIS degree at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. As part of her master’s program, Kate did a practicum at the Central Maine Medical Center’s hospital library. It was after receiving her first urgent patient care interlibrary loan request that she became hooked on medical librarianship. Following her practicum, Kate was accepted to the National Library of Medicine’s Associate Fellowship Program. She spent her first year at NLM, and a second year at the Inova Fairfax Hospital Library. After her fellowship, she worked at the SUNY Upstate Health Sciences Library as a reference and instruction librarian before coming to Pitt in 2011.
Kate reports to Renae Barger, MAR’s former Executive Director, who now serves as MAR’s Program Lead. Barbara Epstein remains as Principal Investigator/Project Director for both MAR and the NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO).
For more information about MAR’s programs, direct your browser to https://nnlm.gov/mar/, call 412-648-2065, or send an e-mail to nnlmmar@pitt.edu.
~Jill Foust