This information is over 2 years old. Information was current at time of publication.


MICROMEDEX contains reproductive risk information in its Reproductive Effects Micromedex® Solutions modules that include:

  • REPROTEXT® Reproductive Hazard Reference: presents in-depth reviews on the full-range of health effects of industrial chemicals commonly encountered in the workplace.
  • REPROTOX® Reproductive Hazard Information: covers the impact of the physical and chemical environment on human reproduction and development.
  • Shepard’s Catalog of Teratogenic Agents: contains up-to-date information on teratogenic agents including chemicals, food additives, household products, environmental pollutants, pharmaceuticals, and viruses.
  • TERIS Teratogen Information System: provides current information on the teratogenic effects of drugs and environmental agents. Agent summaries derived from thorough literature reviews rate reproductive risk and explain data used to determine the rating. Retrieval of agent summaries can be done using domestic, international, generic, and proprietary names.

Reproductive Effects modules can be accessed from MICOMEDEX’s intermediate search results (Option 1) or from its “All Results” tab (Option 2) on the drug or chemical landing page.

Example: Type finasteride in the Micromedex search box on the main page.


Below is the intermediate landing page. There are the two options to get to the Reproductive Effects modules.

Option 1 –Click on Toxicology. Option 2 –Click on All Results.


Option 1 –Toxicology takes you to this screen. Choose your Reproductive Effects module.
Option 2 –All Results will take you to this screen. Click on Reproductive Risk.


Now choose your Reproductive Effects module.

By following either Option 1 or Option 2 you will find the Reproductive Effects modules and REPROTOX® information.


Images courtesy of Micromedex® 2.0, (electronic version). Truven Health Analytics, Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA. Available at: (cited: 06/08/2015)

For more information about how to use MICROMEDEX, select User Guide at the bottom of Micromedex®.

*Parts of this article were reprinted from Micromedex®.

~Charlie Wessel