The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association held its annual meeting in Pittsburgh on October 13-15, 2013. Many HSLS librarians participated in the conference.
Committee Participation
Debbie Downey, Linda Hartman, Andrea Ketchum, Melissa Ratajeski, and Ester Saghafi were members of the Hospitality Committee.
Melissa Ratajeski chaired the Poster Committee.
Nancy Tannery co-chaired the meeting.
Charlie Wessel chaired the Keynote/Invited Speakers Committee and co-chaired the Hospitality Committee.
Contributed Paper
Carrie Iwema presented “Dealing with Data: Surveying Researchers to Understand Their Data Management Practices.” Co-authors were Andrea M. Ketchum and Melissa A. Ratajeski.
Poster Presentations
Julia C. Jankovic presented “On the Go: Usage of a Library’s Mobile Resources Web Page.” Co-author was Melissa Ratajeski.
Andrea M. Ketchum presented “A Renaissance of Resources Used for Clinical Searching: What’s the Impact of the NIH Public Access Policy and Open Access on Morning Report?” Co-author was Michele Klein–Fedyshin.
Charlie Wessel presented “A Clinical Information Tool for Community Health Centers: A Feasibility Study Funded by the National Library of Medicine with the University of Pittsburgh.” Co-author was John LaDue.
Other Conference Activities

Linda Hartman was awarded a MAC Research Grant for her project, “Barriers to Searching the Literature.”
Carrie Iwema taught the continuing education course, “Personal Genomics, Personalized Medicine, & You.”
Melissa Ratajeski was awarded the MAC Award for Professional Excellence by a New Health Sciences Librarian.
~ Jill Foust